Growing up as a theatre kid, I remember how imaginative, collaborative, and self-assured my theatre peers were. They were the best listeners, fantastic teammates, smart problem-solvers, and so in tune with their emotions.
It turns out that it's not a coincidence that my theatre cohorts displayed these qualities. Kids who participate in theatre programs learn valuable skills that can be applied to any life situation or professional field, making theatre a marvellous experience for kids of all ages to participate in.
Here are nine benefits of introducing your child to theatre plus four theatre activities you can try at home.

Increases Creativity
Theatre stretches the skills of imagination. Unlike the realism of television or movies, theatre requires a different kind of resourcefulness and flexibility. For example, in Disney's Frozen, when Princess Anna freezes, the animation turns her to ice, literally. In the Broadway musical version, when Princess Anna freezes, an ensemble of actors dressed in white and silver create an undulating human bridge that latches on to Anna and "freezes" her in place. No surprise, studies show that engagement with drama leads to more creative thinking and originality.
What's more, research also shows that drama processes encourage what's known as divergent thinking or thinking in multiple directions. Making theatre is often a process of discovering and figuring out where the story goes (in improv) or how the story is told and what it means (scripted). The open-ended and uncertain nature increases kids' tolerance of ambiguity and sparks curiosity. Theatre also provides a safe environment to experiment and take risks.
Boosts SAT Scores
You may be surprised to learn that kids who participate in theatre classes show it in their grades. According to the American Alliance of Theatre & Education (AATE), theatre students typically scored 65 points higher on their SATs and 34 points higher on the SAT math component than their non-theatre peers. Additionally, other research has shown that theatre kids also demonstrated improved reading comprehension, including reading strategy and attitude toward reading.
According to the International Literacy Association, students who experience theatre education at any age show better attendance, greater concentration, and increased motivation to learn.
But since not all kids can participate in theatre programs, that doesn't mean the learning benefits aren't still available. Kids who watch theatre productions are exposed to a wide variety of spoken and lyrical language, which can help your child pick up skills that help with mastery of language and expanded vocabulary.
Builds Self-Esteem
Theatre can build a child's confidence, leading to self-discovery. At the National Theatre (NT) in London, the education department worked with children ages 7 to 10 from eight schools for three years. The students studied Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe and performed in a storytelling program, Word Alive. Compared to their peers who did not engage with the NT, these children showed increased self-esteem and a greater aptitude for speaking and listening.
Enhances Collaborative Skills
The theatre is an inherently collaborative art form. It takes a team of writers, a company of actors, and the ingenuity of designers and a crew to tell a story on stage. Data from the AATE shows that kids involved in theatre are better communicators, which leads to stronger teamwork. And kids involved in drama are more collaborative than their peers who were not exposed to it.
Improves Time Management Skills
Children in theatre learn to budget time toward a long-term goal. Everyone works toward an opening night-and, so much has to get done before that. Each rehearsal is cumulative. First, you learn lines and songs. Then you memorize them. Then you learn blocking (movement in scenes) and choreography (movement and dance in song). Then you add the orchestra. Then you add costumes and sets and lights and microphones. These tasks must be managed and built upon gradually to meet one final deadline.
Teaches Patience
Kids who attend live theatre learn patience and concentration. Contrary to television, which changes images every three to four seconds, theatre requires concentration for a sustained period. Because theatre is communal, children of all ages will also learn to sit quietly and respect others for longer periods.
Promotes Empathy
Empathy is one of our most valuable human qualities and one of the hardest to teach. The theatre is instrumental in raising empathetic kids with emotional resilience and can regulate emotions.
Kids exposed to the theatre can better identify with multiple perspectives, thanks to how actors take on roles and a director explains a character's perspective, intention, and goal. Even witnessing actors onstage do this in a shared space builds this skill. When a play or musical explores a difficult topic like bullying or family struggles, watching this allows kids to discover emotions they may not have experienced in their own lives, which develops empathy. Therefore, theatre kids may also manage their emotions better and communicate how they're feeling, leading to better dialogue with their peers and healthier classroom environments.
More Career Options
The creative arts contribute $760 billion annually to the U.S. economy. Contrary to the stereotype of the struggling artist, the arts can be a rewarding and financially gainful field. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs, including but not exclusive to acting. The theatre will expose your little one to opportunities in crafts like costume design (for those who love fashion and illustration), scenic design (for those who love architecture and drawing), hairstyling and makeup, directing, playwriting, and stage management.
Or, as they graduate to teen and college programs, they may develop an affinity for the business of theatre like general management (accounting, scheduling, and more for a production-which might start as selling tickets or raising money for the school production) or publicity (acting as the spokesperson for a person or show-which may begin with TikTok videos or poster design to promote the show).
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